I love trees, even since I was small. They provide shade to rest under, branches to climb and explore. Trees at old homesteads contain a treasure trove of captured items, like the bike below (not my photo).
Trees provide rest for the soul, trees provide life, trees are life!
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast;
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
But sometimes, trees are subject to the elements of nature, to floods, to fire, and they get burnt, and hurt and broken.
Sometimes the trees survive, sometimes not.
But those that survive recover slowly, shedding dead branches, sprouting leaves in season, growing stronger roots.
But a tree that does not have a good root system does not survive the fire.

But in the end, we are strong, experienced!.
This evening I did a Facebook fun program, (what is your Native American name) just for fun, and I was surprised by the outcome.
My name is Ituha.
Ituha translates to Sturdy Oak.
You are powerful and are not easily broken. If anyone can handle a tough situation - it's you! Don't be afraid to show some emotion from time to time, because you have friends and family to support you when you need them.
Years ago, my wife and I did a course on Biblical Purpose of Life. The final vision or picture I saw was a majestic oak tree on a hill. Sturdy, unwavering, providing shelter.
Today however I am a recovering tree, recovering from a bush fire. My roots nearly washed open by the storms of life. By a failed business, financial pressure, job burn-out.
But slowly I am recovering,like a tree after a storm.
Years ago, my wife and I did a course on Biblical Purpose of Life. The final vision or picture I saw was a majestic oak tree on a hill. Sturdy, unwavering, providing shelter.
Today however I am a recovering tree, recovering from a bush fire. My roots nearly washed open by the storms of life. By a failed business, financial pressure, job burn-out.
But slowly I am recovering,like a tree after a storm.
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