But South Africa also have its own bevy of divas in the music world. There are those that question certain songs on a CD during a joint project, and those that drop songs from CDs because the inclusion of certain songs are questioned. Then we have a couple that think that they are above the law. Come back to earth, your head is going to explode (maybe it should, then you are normal sized again).
But the worst kind are like Kanye West, and they are in the church! They strut around like the Angel Gabriel himself, umbrellas are a must if you sit in the front row. Personal Prophecies are staged and faked. When they lay hands on you, it is a quick push into the arms of the catchers, they pray for the blind, the deaf and cripple, all to the glory of themselves, not to the glory of God. Look at me, how great I am, see what I have done, total silence in the auditorium please, I cannot hear myself think!
And we fall for it, we flock to the event in droves, we pour millions into their offering baskets in order for them to jet off, first class, the the next 5 star hotel suite. We are so gullible! We believe everything fed to us from the pulpit by anyone who claim to be a great man of God. And the fakes and phonies get away with it, because we are too scared to confront them, lest we discredit the very messenger of God.
It is about time that we wake up, dust off our Bibles and make sure that what we are fed from the pulpit is the truth!
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