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2014 Life .. and belief (part one)

2014 Life

So here we are at the beginning of 2014.
Another rush year has passed.

As I am writing this I am am sitting at Surf, overlooking Maputo Bay.

The question that has been on top of my mind the last couple of weeks, if not months cannot be ignored any longer.

What do I really believe, not what have I been taught, but what do I believe, deep down? And I started questioning things?

What if this was all an elaborate hoax? What if there really are aliens controlling us? But, then again ...
Aliens are an interesting and exiting theory to consider because it is shrouded in mystery and suspense, intrigue and conspiracy. Look at all the publicity that Area 51 is getting!

But then again, the scientific community is still looking for signs of alien life. The laws of nature prohibits the existence and influence of aliens on the human race. Aliens will have to travel faster than light or break the laws of physics to get to us.

So, if not aliens, then what? Did we start out as a single cell amoeba in the ocean and evolve till where we are now? I do not believe that either, however I do accept the premise of selective species improvement / evolution. I believe that the characteristics of a species can change over a period of time. The same way that different and exotic varieties of roses are cultivated.

If not aliens or evolution then what? Where did all the creatures on earth come from? The trees, the plants, the sea creatures, humans, where do we all come from?

What about gods, Zeus, Eros, Thor,  Astarte and whatever other gods and demi-gods there are? They sure do make for interesting mythological stories, but are they there? Do they exist? What happened to their worship?

With all this said, there are some inexplicable bits in the Bible, for instance the Nefilinm (sons of god) that had sex with daughters of men and produced giants, (Genesis 6) and then Ezekiel 1 where he saw a vision of a wheel within a wheel, kind of like a gyroscope. This sounds like aliens, so .... are they here? Did they, do they have an influence on us?

 For me everything has a pattern. Everything consists of Atoms, atoms are made up of a nucleus with one or more electrons orbiting it.

Our solar system has a sun and planets orbiting it, the Milky Way Galaxy has multiple stars (solar systems) with planets orbiting it All the solar systems in our galaxy are orbiting the centre of the galaxy. Then there are multiple galaxies in the universe orbiting the super massive black hole in the centre of the universe. There is order in this chaos, from atomic to universal level. Does it mean anything? This must come from somewhere. It could not just happen.. or could it?

So what do I believe .....?


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