He glanced back, jumped into the car and locked the door!
I felt him squeezing my hand, holding it tightly.
Glancing around, who is behind us, who is in front of us, not leaving my side.
He has nightmares, does not sleep well.
Has a sudden fascination with weapons and shooting games.
What brought such a change to my son?
Why did this change happen?
How could an 8 year old be targeted?
held at knife point, searched, ransacked, what for?
For R20!
To scar him for live!
I know that the statistics say that one in 4 in SA was a victim of crime, but a child, in broad daylight, in front of the school?
For a while I really really struggled with my emotions! I had a hard time to accept, but then God reminded me ".. revenge is Mine says the Lord...".
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