It has been a lifelong struggle of mine to make myself heard.

When I am in a group I can just as well keep quiet as not many seem to hear me speaking. Am I speaking too soft (with my hearing issue it is difficult to judge the loudness of my voice). It is if I did not even speak at all. And I became a listener... an observer of people.
And I see the hurt, the rejection, the false bravado, the games people play...
Most of all, I see rejected people!

Rejected by their parents because they do not perform well enough.
Rejected because they do not conform to society's standards.
Rejected because they are poor....
or different ....
or dirty ....
or painted ....
they smell ....
Rejected because they have tattoos,
long hair, short hair, spiky hair ...
rejected because we are not sociable enough ...

All of us are being rejected for some reason or another, all of us fear rejection.
The business executive strolls past the hobo, totally ignoring him, forgetting his own past and how easily he could have turned out that way.
Someone flames a homeless couple on Facebook, not even bothering to lend a hand.
And we are all hurting. And we strike back and reject because we are hurting.

But Jesus said "Come to Me and I will give you rest .."
But we do not come to Jesus. We stay away, we rather go around hurting, and depressed and rejected. We do not come to Jesus because the church hurt us, the church judged us and drove us out with their piercing eyes and cold shoulders.
But Jesus is not only in the church, sometimes he is not there at all! Jesus is in the street, in the marketplace. He said "I did not come for the healthy but for the sick and brokenhearted".
All we have to do is to trust Him. He will not hurt us, He is different from people. He does not reject, He accepts us when we come to Him.
Jesus want to be there for us, and He wants us to be there for others .. without reservation, without judgement...
but we have to take the first step, it is our choice...
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