People, missionaries, reverends, pastors, priests and church goers want to change us. They want to cover us up, cover our spots and blemishes, in order for them to be comfortable. Missionaries used to convert "natives", dress them in western clothes, and made them un-learn their customs and traditions because it was un-Godly. So what if they only wore loin-cloths? So what if the women do not cover their breasts? So what if she cut her hair short and wear Jeans?
What we wear is not the issue!
How we look is not the issue!
Who we associate with is not the issue!
People want to make thins an issue. They want to make sure that you look safe and sanctified. They do not want to be uncomfortable, they do not want to sit next to some-one different.
And what is this telling us?
Jesus is exclusive, He only cares for us if we are safe, good looking and fitting in, if not, we are out.
But Jesus did not say that. He did not do that. He talked to the people, ate with the tax collectors, touched the lepers. Jesus does not care who we are, what we look like of whether we smell or not.
Jesus said "Come to Me, just as you are!"
So I think it is time that we (I) trust Him. To say "Here am I, I am hurting, I really do not know what I am doing,, I have been rejected time and time again. I do not like that! Please help me, I am trying to trust You. I stand here as I am. I do not want to be rejected again."
People, missionaries, reverends, pastors, priests and church goers want to change us. They want to cover us up, cover our spots and blemishes, in order for them to be comfortable. Missionaries used to convert "natives", dress them in western clothes, and made them un-learn their customs and traditions because it was un-Godly. So what if they only wore loin-cloths? So what if the women do not cover their breasts? So what if she cut her hair short and wear Jeans?
What we wear is not the issue!
How we look is not the issue!
Who we associate with is not the issue!
People want to make thins an issue. They want to make sure that you look safe and sanctified. They do not want to be uncomfortable, they do not want to sit next to some-one different.
And what is this telling us?
Jesus is exclusive, He only cares for us if we are safe, good looking and fitting in, if not, we are out.
But Jesus did not say that. He did not do that. He talked to the people, ate with the tax collectors, touched the lepers. Jesus does not care who we are, what we look like of whether we smell or not.
Jesus said "Come to Me, just as you are!"
So I think it is time that we (I) trust Him. To say "Here am I, I am hurting, I really do not know what I am doing,, I have been rejected time and time again. I do not like that! Please help me, I am trying to trust You. I stand here as I am. I do not want to be rejected again."
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